Hoosiers by the Numbers

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EGR 9 map

EGR 9 consists of Bartholomew, Dearborn, Decatur, Franklin, Jackson, Jefferson, Jennings, Ohio, Ripley and Switzerland counties.

Economic Growth Region 9 Analysis

Region 9 is situated between the Ohio state border and the beautiful Ohio River and is home to some of the most pristine natural areas in the state.

The numerous parks, forests, lakes and wildlife refuges in the region include Clifty Falls State Park, Brookville Lake, Selmier State Forest, Hoosier National Forest, Big Oaks Wildlife Refuge and the Jackson-Washington State Forest.

If outdoor recreation doesn’t entice you, the region also has three casinos that round out its status as a tourist destination. For fall family fun, check out the Aurora Farmers Fair, held annually in Aurora since 1908, making it one of the oldest festivals in the state.

Columbus, in Bartholomew County, is known worldwide for its breathtaking mid-century modern architecture. Public and private buildings alike were built by some of the most renowned architects of the 20th century, including North Christian Church (Eero Saarinen), Cleo Rogers Memorial Library (I.M. Pei), Schmitt Elementary School (Harry Weese), The Republic (Myron Goldsmith), and many others. The Republic building—a national landmark since 2012—is home to the Indiana University J. Irwin Miller Architecture Program.

The region’s educational institutions include IUPUC, Ivy Tech and Hanover College. Its industrial base is composed of manufacturing, health care and accommodation and food services. Its largest employers include Cummins, Rising Star Casino, Faurecia Gladstone, Schneck Medical Center and NTN Driveshaft.

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Quick Stats

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338,906 Population (EGR 9)
4.3 Unemployment Rate (EGR 9)
$19.3 billion Personal Income (EGR 9)
$28.04 Average Wage (Columbus MSA)
$22.15 Median Wage (Columbus MSA)
51,100 Nonfarm Employment (Columbus MSA)
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Jillian Gregory

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (812) 270-9476

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Top 10 Occupation Groups by Growth
(2022-2032 long-term projections)

  1. Healthcare support occupations
  2. Architecture and engineering occupations
  3. Computer and mathematical occupations
  4. Healthcare practitioners and technical occupations
  5. Community and social services occupations
  6. Life, physical, and social science occupations
  7. Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations
  8. Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations
  9. Business and financial operations occupations
  10. Food preparation and serving related occupations

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Indiana Department of Workforce Development

Dive into the long-term occupation projections with the Employment Outlook Projections Tool.


Top 10 Industry Sectors
(Based on 2023 annual average employment)

  1. Manufacturing
  2. Health Care and Social Services
  3. Retail Trade
  4. Accommodation and Food Services
  5. Educational Services
  6. Transportation & Warehousing
  7. Admin, Support, Waste Management
  8. Public Administration
  9. Construction
  10. Wholesale Trade

Source: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages

Access multiple data sets on the Industry topic page.

Major Employers (Based on number of employees)

Explore even more employers by location, size class or industry with the Business Lookup Tool.


  • Cummins Inc.
  • Rising Star Casino & Resort
  • Belterra Casino & Resort
  • Schneck Medical Center
  • Valeo Sylvania LLC
  • NTN Driveshaft Inc.
  • Hillenbrand Inc.
  • Delta Faucet Co.
  • Honda Manufacturing of Indiana
  • Walmart Distribution Center

About the data

Note: The list of regional employers on this page was updated September 2024 to include local insights.

data axle This database contains listings of nearly 12 million U.S. employers. Employer information is provided by Data Axle®, Omaha, NE, (866)-DATAXLE. Copyright © 2025. All Rights Reserved.

Major Educational Institutions

Indiana University Columbus Four-year Columbus
Ivy Tech - Columbus Two-year Columbus
Ivy Tech - Madison Two-year Madison
Hanover College Independent Hanover

Source: Indiana Commission for Higher Education

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training and education programs

Largest Cities and Towns in Economic Growth Region 9

Name Population in 2023 Percent of region County
Columbus 51,522 15.3% Bartholomew
Seymour 21,666 6.4% Jackson
Greensburg 12,363 3.7% Decatur
Madison 12,208 3.6% Jefferson
Batesville* 7,354 2.2% Ripley/Franklin
North Vernon 6,566 1.9% Jennings
Lawrenceburg 5,194 1.5% Dearborn
Greendale 4,564 1.4% Dearborn
Hanover 3,814 1.1% Jefferson
Aurora 3,508 1.0% Dearborn

*Batesville crosses county lines, but both counties are in EGR 9.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau annual population estimates

Covered bridge in Mill Race Park photo
Covered bridge in Mill Race Park, Columbus, Indiana.

Helpful Regional Tools and Resources

EGR 9 IN Depth Regional Profile

At-a-glance details about the region's population, labor force, housing and more.

County Highlights

Get a snapshot of critical population and workforce statistics for each county in the region.

INDemand Jobs

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Regional Labor Mix

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Labor Force Projections

These are the official labor force projections to 2050 released in September 2018 by the Indiana Business Research Center.


The commuting data page provides easy access to multiple commuting data sets and visualizations.

Regional Links

View A to Z Guide for a list of external links statewide.