Select a Data Series
- Current Employment Statistics (CES): Current establishment employment survey data released monthly by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development (IDWD) and Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
- Industry Projections: Estimates of current and projected industry employment for a 2-year (short-term) or 10-year (long-term) projections period from the Indiana Department of Workforce Development.
- Local Employment Dynamics (LED): Information about local labor market conditions, including job creation, wages, worker turnover and commuting patterns.
- Projected Jobs by Industry: Occupational staffing patterns from the Occupational Employment Statistics Survey organized by industry.
- Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW): A quarterly count of employment and wages by industry from IDWD and BLS.
Industry Classifications
- North American Industry Classification System: Introduction to NAICS (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Update to the 2022 North American Industry Classification System on March 13, 2023 (BLS)
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Related Links
- Career and Cluster Videos: These videos show the types of work people do in nearly 550 careers, organized by the 16 career clusters recognized by the U.S. Department of Education (Career One Stop).