Grants and RFI Data Assistant
This page is dedicated to economic developers throughout Indiana who need to get data fast when responding to RFIs (requests for information) from site locators or businesses. We have constructed this page based on feedback from LEDOs, REDOs, IEDC, IEDA and IBRC. We welcome suggestions for additional links or ideas for new data to add. Send email to [email protected].
Income and Wages
- Average Wage–State (Occupational Employment Statistics)
- Average Wage per Occupation (Occupational Employment Statistics)
- Average Wage by County (Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages)
- Median Household Income
- Per Capita Personal Income
- Top Employers per County
- Employment by Industry (Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages)
- Business Lookup Tool
Labor Force, Unemployment and Unemployment Rate
Available Workforce
- Indiana Career Connect Potential Candidates
- Available Workforce per Occupation
- Available Workforce per Industry
- College and University Rankings
- Indiana Colleges Map
- Postsecondary Education Completion
- IPEDS Data Center
- Educational Attainment
- Department of Education, INview
- School/School Corporation Data by County
Transportation and Logistics
State GDP
Commuting Patterns
Real Estate
Utility Rates
- Union Membership and Coverage Database from the CPS (Union Stats)
- Union Membership in Indiana (BLS)
- Union Members and Union Representation over Time (States In Profile)
Crime Stats
- Crime Statistics (FBI Uniform Crime Reports)
Broadband Stats
Local Government
Regional Offices (IEDC, ISBDC)
- Indiana Economic Development Corporation
- Indiana Small Business Development Center (ISBDC) Regional Offices
Regional Analysts
For even more data, contact our regional analysts. Find your local analyst by clicking on a region from the map below or download PDF map.